One more user with samurize that needed reserved desktop space in XP
i also use rainlendar, so i somehow created a sidebar with both
Samurize has a Dock option but creates a mess with my desktop icons. DesktopCor(r)al is working like it should, but i thought of a couple of options i usually like/need in this little tools:
1. Hide system tray icon - since this program is a "use and forget" tool, no need to stay on systray. I know i could use the "hide inactive icons" feature from XP, but i don't use it; other "use and forget" tools i'm using: winkey (creates new windows shortcut keys) and TaskbarShuffle (adds drag and drop to taskbar buttons and systray icons).
2. Disable multiple instances - if the program doesn't have a systray icon, the only way to open it is to run it again, but this creates a second instance of DesktopCor(r)al, so this option is needed for the previous one, and it should be active and grayed out when "hide system tray icon" is active.
What do you think?
PS: TaskbarShuffle has a checkbox to "Show system tray icon" that changes to "Show system tray icon :'-(" when i uncheck it