Has anyone a definitive source on the meanings for EnableSuperfetch and EnablePrefetcher values in the Prefetch Parameters?
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters]
I see all kinds of conflicting statements on web sites. Most say that EnablePrefetcher value means: 0 no caching, 1 cache applications, 2 cache boot files, 3 cache both
and those sites usually say nothing about the EnableSuperfetch value.
Some sites have it the opposite where the values 0 to 3 are for EnableSuperfetch.
I've even seen some that suggest you set EnablePrefetcher to 5. The only thing that looked like it mentioned both keys on Microsoft site was in a foreign language(couldn't figure out which language it was to paste it into a translator.)
Anyone have the definitive source on these settings?