If you can speak German, there are good video tutorials at sempervideo.de
http://www.sempervideo.de/?p=3751 ZDF Mediathek Stream speichern (Folge 2)
http://www.sempervideo.de/?p=3807 RTMPDUMP: Southpark rippen
An Example Video to dump.
http://www.zdf.de/ZD...acko-in-Los-Angeles/Here are the Parameters
-o the filename -o "c:\zdf.mp4"
-r the URL -r rtmp://ondemand.flash.zdf.newmedia.nacamar.net/zdf/mp4:zdf/data/quicktime/zdf/09/07/090703_neubauer_h19_vh.mp4
--host the hostname --host ondemand.flash.zdf.newmedia.nacamar.net
--port the Port Number (default 1935) --port 1935
--protocol Protokoll rtmp oder rtmpe (encrypted) --protocol rtmp
--playpath the playpath behind the first path --playpath mp4:zdf/data/quicktime/zdf/09/07/090703_neubauer_h19_vh.mp4
--swfUrl the swf-player --swfUrl
http://www.zdf.de/ZD...hek/flash/player.swf--tcUrl the first part of the rtmp-URL --tcUrl rtmp://ondemand.flash.zdf.newmedia.nacamar.net/zdf
--pageUrl URL from PopUp --pageUrl
http://www.zdf.de/ZD...nt/9602?inPopup=true--app the first path behind the host-url --app zdf
--flashVer which version of Flash ? --flashVer "WIN 10,0,22,87"
( --auth don't know the use of Authentication )
There are several ways to use the parameters to dump the video
the complete with 10 parameters -o --host --port --protocol -playpath --swfUrl --tcUrl --pageUrl --app --flashVer
rtmpdump.exe -o "c:\zdf.mp4" --host ondemand.flash.zdf.newmedia.nacamar.net --port 1935 --protocol rtmp --playpath mp4:zdf/data/quicktime/zdf/09/07/090703_neubauer_h19_vh.mp4 --swfUrl
http://www.zdf.de/ZD...hek/flash/player.swf --tcUrl rtmp://ondemand.flash.zdf.newmedia.nacamar.net/zdf --pageUrl
http://www.zdf.de/ZD...nt/9602?inPopup=true --app zdf --flashVer "WIN 10,0,22,87"
or shorter with just 4 parameters -o --host --playpath --app
rtmpdump.exe -o "c:\zdf.mp4" --host ondemand.flash.zdf.newmedia.nacamar.net --playpath mp4:zdf/data/quicktime/zdf/09/07/090703_neubauer_h19_vh.mp4 --app zdf
with 3 parameters -o -r und --playpath
rtmpdump.exe -o "c:\zdf.mp4" -r rtmp://ondemand.flash.zdf.newmedia.nacamar.net/zdf/mp4:zdf/data/quicktime/zdf/09/07/090703_neubauer_h19_vh.mp4 --playpath mp4:zdf/data/quicktime/zdf/09/07/090703_neubauer_h19_vh.mp4
hope this helps