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Author Topic: Request for license messages?  (Read 4883 times)


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Request for license messages?
« on: January 09, 2006, 10:48 PM »
I only began to notice this after getting a PDA. When I used to just download streaming media to my pc I rarely got any kind of message about the media needing a license before it would play, but since getting a PDA for Christmas I notice that a lot of songs and a lot of video I download wants a license before it will play on my PDA. What can I do to duplicate the license that must (apparently) be present on my pc so the same data will play on my PDA?  If there is no easy answer is there a way to fix Url Snooper so it can run on a Pocket PC (IPAQ) and are there any programs like SDP that can run from a Pocket PC.

Thanks for a clue.
