sorry to put this here but I couldnt find a better place to put this
I have 2 monitors and DisplayFusion (software that adds additional taskbar for additional monitors)
[primary monitor - real taskbar] [secondary monitor - displayfusion taskbar]
Clicking desktop on primary monitor minimizes all windows on primary monitor/real taskbar - but windows on secondary monitor/displayfusion taskbar are unaffected
Clicking desktop on secondary monitor minimizes all windows on primary monitor/real taskbar - but windows on secondary monitor/displayfusion taskbar are unaffected
Clicking the 'show desktop' icon (Vista) hides and unhides all windows (both screens)
The problem seems to be with WinMinimizeAll and WinMinimizeAllUndo (
Oddly Win+D seems to minimize/restore all windows (both screens), but Win+M minimizes (not restore) only windows on the primary monitor.
Therefore a quick hack would be to replace WinMinimizeAll and WinMinimizeAllUndo with the code to insert Win+D into keyboard.
I hope this helps