headline I know, but it's so fun! So...yay Aussies? An Australian man has skipped out on going to prison for surreptitiously recording his flatmates through holes in the wall, because he had full disk encryption on the laptop he was using to make the recordings and refused to give up his password.
Rohan James Wyllie of Australia doesn't sound much different than your average voyeur intent on capturing a little secret video of his female roommate unawares. He drilled holes in the walls and ceilings, installed cameras, and created an elaborate network of surveillance equipment so he could keep tabs on the girl from the comfort of his bedroom.
After his roommates noticed suspicious lights and buzzing in August 2007, Wyllie was arrested. Eventually he pleaded guilty to charges of attempting to visually record the woman in question in a private place without her consent. Open and shut case, right? Not quite: Wyllie is now going free without a jail sentence.