Q: When is Programmer Day?A: Programmer Day is the 256th day of every year, September 13th or the 12th on leap years.Q:Why the 256th Day of the year?A: A byte can have 256 possible values, bytes are very important to programmers. Not because they are required for programs to work, but because the payroll system and Krispy Kreme doughnut cash registers require them.Q: How is Programmer Day celebrated?A: Anyway you want! Here are some suggestions:Speak in code (or pseudocode) all day - Thanks to Sam Pospischil!Decorate a tree with zeros and ones to make a binary treeMake Happy Programmer Day cards using ASCII artHave a contest for the best binary pun / programming jokeQ: Your logo has 1111 1111 that's 255, not 256, right?A: While 1111 1111 = 255 as a direct conversion, it's the 256th value so it is correct. January 1st is 0000 0000 so if you celebrate Programmer Day on the 255th day you're guilty of an off by one error.