I have been known url snooper for few years and yet i have not faced any problem.
but! i just faced one.
i tried to get a video clip from the web.
i runned urlsnooper then click the video clip to play.
as soon as video player(the video doesnt play within web browser) popped up, url snooper was terminated
of coz, the player has noticed that i was running url snooper so it didnt want me to get link for the clip.
so here are the questions
is it possible to run url snooper in stealth mode by itself or by other programs
or is there any other way to get link for the clip and hopefully the video file itself.
(i am sure that the video player has the ability to detect well-known sniffing programs.
so if anyone know not-so-well-known sniffing programs, please let us know..)
i still love url snooper and i will but i want to make this time an exception