perhaps it's an idea for a new section where big concepts can be placed, without being necessarily being worked out within DonationCoder.com. I'd be happily outvoted on this one, but, I could be wrong.
This idea is not for CodingSnacks for completion but the rough concept may be, at least the research is there to be reckoned with, but can be done in an hour or two;
The idea is to switch operating systems. If a state of the computer is saved, preferably a compatible state where not everything is stored but just enough for the operating system to cope with (and not needing an update each time), then another computer state may be loaded to be able to land on the operating system and partition there that computer state may reside.
Switching between Win98 and WinXP may be easier than between Windows and Linux, or not, I don't know, but the Linux community is there to help. So, it's a running 'identified flying object' metaphorically speaking, activating the system underneath. Thought it would be nice to share 'ifo computing' with you.
That's it in a nutshell, and may be interresting. (At least we broke the patent rules on this oneĀ”)
Interface out..