I'd like to know if this is normal :
1/ I open a window on my XP Pro Desktop (any window), I make it active, press Alt+PrintScreen, create a new Outlook message is rich text mode, press Ctrl-V, and I get a perfect copy 1:1 within my e-mail message. All is OK, apart from the size of the message that can be huge since it's apparently BMP uncompressed format.
2/ I open the same windows as before, launch Minicap, lasso the windows with minicap, press Ctrl+Click, and I get a perfect 1:1 copy of the window within Minicap. I press on the copy icon at the bottom right, open a new Outlook message, in rich text format, press Ctrl-V and this time I get some kind of unreadable (because too compressed) thumbnail in my message. I would expect to get a 1:1 copy ?
It seems this started with recent releases of Minicap, but I am not 100% sure.
Thanks for any help !