im a bounty hunter who happened to stumble onto this site and ive been looking for a programer for some time now to help with thinnig the wanted pool in america. if youve been to post office you know the fbi's wanted program is so out of date its ridiculous, they still have criminals posted from the 40's. unless these criminals have found the fountain of youth they are probably dead and burried in a grave marked john doe. its time to thin the herd, we need a program that can search through thousands of john doe records in each county matching the physical descriptions with the date of birth. now even with the program hunters such as myself will still have to investigate the matches by comparing fingerprints on john does with those on file which in itself is a daunting task, but it will cut the haystack in half. identifying these men and women is an important step in clearing up cold case files as well as giving families of both victim and perpetrator some closure. anyone who might be able to help with this project please e-mail me.