Ohhhhh !!! Armed Assault II. You will love that game. We were playing the demo yesterday at work. Yes, I said
at work. No we weren't hiding in our offices with our door closed. No, our bosses didn't tell use we could take a break and have some fun. I'm sorry to tell you that I was getting to paid play it. Yep! Sorry, because now you are jealous. I get paid to play video games.
Actually, I have been playing Armed Assault II for months... well, kind of, as I have been playing (excuse me, "operating")
VBS2 at work. I work for the US Army and they use VBS2 as a game-based training simulation.
At several locations, there are a few of my friends whose only job is to train soldiers on how to train using VBS2. This includes building scenarios and operating
Don't be too surprised if you see Tinjaw on a game server doing "work hours". I might be playing because I "have to" do my job.