Folder Cache 3.2
Finally I incorporate some support for external search apps. While the Gui Window is open, select an item in the list or type into the input filter.. then press Control-C.
The first time around you will be asked to choose the hotkey for an external search program. For instance, you can use the FARR or Everything hotkey. The Hotkey will be sent, then after a pause, the item text or text from the input filter will be sent via macro.
The hotkey selection dialog only supports 2 key combinations. If your search app is hard-wired for 3 keys or you prefer using 3 key combos for it, you can always link to it using a 2 or 3 line AutoHotKey script that listens for the 2 key Hotkey you assign in Folder Cache, and sends out the 3 key combo. (Even if you're not a programmer, to do this in AutoHotKey is very easy.)
I've played around typing partial folder names and using FARR and Everything Hotkey and it seems to work really well. If course if the search program isn't running to listen for its hotkey, the Folder Cache window will just go away. No big deal.
To change the external search app hotkey, there's a command in the Tray Menu.
The current search app hotkey is saved to FolderCache.ini on close.