Good suggestion. I have tried rss feeds and it works for many of the topics but I still have some figuring to do on how to get others to show. In the mean time I have found a kind of a work-around that works for me.
At the bottom of the main forum page is the ' Forum - Info Center' showing the most current 10 post/topic replies.
To the left in the vertical column is an icon, looks kinda like a 'copy' icon in some programs, diamond shaped. When I click on this it brings up a list of the latest 40 posts. On the left is shown the category/area of the post/reply, post title, poster, then date and time. At the bottom you can go page by page to 30. If there are multiple posts of the same topic on that page, clicking the one closest to the top takes you to that one and all of the previous are above.
Not sure if this is already covered in another area of the forum or not, I just happened on it.
If I would take the time to install and learn Screenshot Captor like I should, I could have included the screen shots.