trace("build 0169");
// To make life easier all applications of main.asc are the same. The secuirty checks that happen between
// Internal, ISS authenticated, etc happen by what is defined on the next line
// IP CHECK (our website here. No http:// or trailing /)
// Bypass referral
// If you are testing on your local computer you can bypass the reffer check
// You will still need to pass security to the host unless you use the public profile
//var BYPASS_REFERRER = "yes"; // Comment out as necessary
// IP CHECK (power referrer to allow server to connect to itself and for streaming)
var POWER_REFERRER = "rtmp://" ;
// Note to self. When you get hold of flash media encoder 2, you need to see how it connects
// to the server as the unique key and referrer checks will fail when using the laptop.
// The laptop itself may need a static address just to allow entry via IP.
function checkInternal(internalTime, internalTimeHash, pClient) {
var internal_lv = new LoadVars();
internal_lv.onLoad = function( success )
//trace("Internal check: "+internal_lv.passed);
if (internal_lv.passed == "yes") {
//trace("Accepting connection from internal function")
} else {
//trace("Rejecting connection from internal function")
function checkISS(issTime, issTimeHash, pClient) {
var iss_lv = new LoadVars();
iss_lv.onLoad = function( success )
//trace("ISS Check: "+iss_lv.passed);
if (iss_lv.passed == "yes") {
//trace("Accepting connection from iss function")
} else {
//trace("Rejecting connection from iss function")
// Some code to work with published live servers
// Define the variable we will share to tell when the stream has started
isStreaming = new Object();
isStreaming.connected = "no";
isStreaming.streaming = "no";
isStreaming.clientID = "";
Client.prototype.FCPublish = function(streamname) {
//"onFCPublish", null, {code:"NetStream.Publish.Start", description:"name"});
//trace("I'm funning in a FCPublish function");
isStreaming.streaming = "yes";
Client.prototype.FCUnpublish = function(streamname) {
// perform your clean up
//"onFCUnpublish", null, {code:"NetStream.Unpublish.Success", description:"name"});
//trace("I'm funning in a FCUnpublish function");
isStreaming.streaming = "no";
Client.prototype.releaseStream = function(streamname) {
// Nothing really needs to go here as FCPublish does all the work
// However the function needs to be defined to remove the 'unknown method' error
//trace("I'm funning in a releaseStream function");
// Ripping check
// this will store references of all clients, and ensure there are no replays
clientKeyList = new Object();
application.onConnect = function(pClient, uniqueKey, applicationName, internalTime, internalTimeHash, issTime, issTimeHash) {
if (pClient.referrer == POWER_REFERRER && LIVE == "yes") {
trace("Power referrer conneted: " + pClient.ip);
isStreaming.connected = "yes";
isStreaming.clientID = pClient;
} else {
//pClient.writeAccess = ""; // prevents creating shared object or live streams.
// Only allow flash movies to play when they are on our streaming server
// Note, this does not stop people from putting our .swf file onto their servers
if (pClient.referrer.split("/")[2] == VALID_REFERRER || BYPASS_REFERRER == "yes") {
//trace("Accepted IP: "+pClient.referrer);
if (uniqueKey != undefined) { // make sure there is always a uniqueKey
if ( clientKeyList[uniqueKey] == undefined ) {
// This client has never connected -- allow the connection
pClient.uniqueKey = uniqueKey;
clientKeyList[uniqueKey] = pClient;
if (isStreaming.connected == "yes" || LIVE == "no") {
if (isStreaming.streaming == "yes" || LIVE == "no") {
// Run the correct security check based on the security type
if (SECURITY_METHOD == "internal") {
//trace("running checkInternal");
checkInternal(internalTime, internalTimeHash, pClient);
} else if (SECURITY_METHOD == "iss") {
//trace("running checkISS");
checkISS(issTime, issTimeHash, pClient);
} else {
//trace("Accepted due to security being none");
} else {
//trace("Rejected: Broadcast is connected but not streaming");
this.rejectConnection(pClient, {msg:"notStreaming"});
} else {
//trace("Rejected: Broadcast is not connected");
this.rejectConnection(pClient, {msg:"notConnected"});
} else {
trace("Rejected UniqueID");
} else {
trace("Rejected No UniqueID");
} else {
// If the .swf wasn't on our server, reject and trace the referrer
this.rejectConnection(pClient, {msg:"Bad referrer"}) ;
//this.acceptConnection(pClient); // ONLY FOR TESTING PURPOSES
trace("Rejected IP: "+pClient.referrer);
application.onDisconnect = function(pClient){
if (pClient == isStreaming.clientID) {
isStreaming.connected = "no";
isStreaming.clientID = "";
trace("Power referrer disconnected");
//clean up the keys
delete clientKeyList[pClient.uniqueKey];
//trace("Client disconnected");