I try to use Ghoster to concentrate on my video. I play the video with smplayer, not in full screen but in a normal window.
- launch ghoster
- double click on a video to launch in smplayer
Result: everything is dimmed around the smplayer window (nice!), the video starts playing
BUT the video screen inside the window remains black.
- close ghoster
- double click on a video to launch in smplayer. The video plays normally.
- launch Ghoster: the whole PC main screen is dimmed, the video inside smplayer window is black (not just dimmed, but totally black)
- click on the smplayer window. It gets the focus, by miracle the video appears again. Everything around is dimmed. Exactly what I want.
Conclusion: test 2 succeeds to get the result, but requires many manipulations. Could you make it work for the normal operation (test1)?
By the way, Jedi concentrate does
not have this problem, so I have a solution, but I am sure that you can fix this.