I am looking for a lightweight network based shared-syncing todo list manager.
-I do not want web application
-It needs to be small and light
-I want Ical based or has its own sync feature.
-I do not want to run a web server
-Supporting global shortcuts would be great
-Command line support is always welcome
-Tree based todo list is a must have
-I like checkbox option for completion
-I would like a free software but I am ok with paying little money.
Probably rainlendar is an ok option but I am wondering if DC users know another application that they have tested or used. Todo list is amazing but it does not hae syncing as far as I know and I hate manually exporting and importing stuff.
At the moment I am using thunderbird-lighting but really they are heavier applications than I anticipate. And I am lookign for a task manager that has omnipresent feeling in which I can access easily or stays on deskop, wakes up quickly etc as well.
Please do not google, since google is not my friend. I am also looking for tested by DC MEMBERS.