I have to share something with you all that happened to me this
evening...guy to guy.
So I arrive home this evening. I park in the garage, get out of the car,
walk around the back of the car and notice that a squirrel is hanging upside
down from the bird feeder. This is not unusual, and like many other folks it
drives me crazy to see them hoarding the bird's food, so I give the squirrel
my usual "Hi-yah! Git outta there!".
To my surprise, the squirrel shows no reaction to my warning. So now I'm a
little annoyed that he should be so bold as to just ignore me, and I let out
what I would describe as my best rabid cougar imitation (I don't know how to
spell it but, if you ask, I'll let you hear it sometime). Again, the
squirrel shows no reaction - so I approach the courageous varmint with
purpose (but also with some caution).
He hangs there as I approach; he doesn't even MOVE! Then I see that he is
clearly stuck or caught, and could not run away even if he wanted to. It
was also clear, that he was dead.
Though the exact cause of death has not been formally determined, I am quite
sure that death came as a relief to this poor guy.
There is something about being male that I think bonds us all together. That
is, as males, regardless of species, I think when you see the attached (or
below) picture(s) you'll have the same reaction I did...
silly humor - post 'em here! [warning some NSFW and adult content]