Hallo to you all!
I have just stumbled across the DonationCoders site and the concept and product set it offers.
I am very impressed.
I would like to try and get support for a platform I am putting together.
Not being a programmer, but a writer, the only way I am able to realise a platform is by using a good editor and tools from freeware, shareware offerings or from sites such as DonationCoder. I have downloaded some programs and will begin to test them with the editor.
I wish to add to my chosen text editor the following functions.
1. Open a command line prompt.
1. 1. Using its functions to call a program to execute and add files it needs.
1. 2. Get the results in a separate window.
2. Open programs for execution.
2. 1. These are typically translation tools or Dictionary access.
3. They can also be 'find text in files' programs.
3. 1. These are usually dual language files and allow copying of found text back to the original file, which triggered the calling of the program. The dual language files are often my own.
3. 2. The windows will be popups and not affect underlying programs.
3. 3. Strings may be copied from an open window prior to calling a program and copied into its window.
I am in need of tools to be able to perform the functions I have listed. Anyone able to support my needs with products particularly where he is programming member of the DonationCoders group, is welcome to reply.
I need the help and look forward to any positive responses.
Kind regards, forkinpm.