When I learn a new program, I often find myself thinking, if only I can annotate the help file easily so that six months later (especially if it's a program I don't use regularly), I don't have to wrack my brain thinking, how did I solve that the previous time I had this problem.
Ideally this annotating utility should :
1. Enable me to highlight, bold, colorize (So I guess it sort of htm editor)
2. Be able to save the changes so that if I just hit F1 when using the program, I will see the annonated htm file.
Some programs I can think of do this are:
1. Microsoft Word,
2. AptEdit
3. EditPlus Pro
Other programs I can think of that does not quite fulfil criteria 2 are
1. Ultra Recall
2. Onenote
3. Surfulater
4. Evernote
How do others solve the "Please don't let me wrack my brain again problem".
Of course I recognize that if I install a program upgrade, the help files may be replaced - But that is another problem to solve.