Scancode was NOT involved this time! 100% voluntary (be that good or bad... your opinion).
I decided that, after watching "
Idiots of Garrys Mod", "
Idiots of Garrys Mod 2", and "
Portal Credits Song - 'Still Alive'", I decided to make this sing-along of Still Alive. It didn't come out that bad (3 finished recordings, 3rd was chosen)!
Best listened to in a lower volume (Windows Sound Recorder isn't your prime upper-range volume recorder), but not half bad. I'm happy with the outcome.
For those curious why I made it: I smile every time I hear the lines "Now these points of data make a beautiful line. And we're out of beta. We're releasing on time." - Dunno why. Just makes me smile so big (ex:


Hope you ... enjoy.

EDIT: The resulting MP3 is even worse than Audacity had within the editing interface. It's ... mediocre now.

EDIT: Uploaded my singing by itself. Listener discretion is advised.