First of all, THANKS for this great soft!
I'd like to write few words about features discussed in other different topics,
but I think it could be integrated in one big one called Workspace :)
General idea is to have ability to position applications on the screen according to required layout:
Example 1:
I use code editor and Firefox and IE for live previews (refreshing in 1 s).
Using grid move I have to position three apps so they all could be visible on one screen
(actually I use two monitors, but this is not the point here)
Example 2:
I use CD burning software, and Windows Explorer to drag and drop files
(so the bundle is burning soft + file browser)
It would be great to have one click action:
- place editor window there, set size as so, then place Firefox there, set size… then place IE there, set size…
- if programs are not running yet, user should be asked if GridMove should run it
- close other windows option would be nice
This feature would be a kick off!
Imagine, that you can use any set of programs as one app!
Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash… all in one…
This would be especially on big desktops (multi monitors).
A workspace should also have ability to be saved.
E.g. user places applications where he wants it to reside,
then choose "save workspace layout" and positions are remembered.
This also solves problem of difficulty of creating new grids :)