When you search stuff, download it, it just stays in the download folders, which you may have on several hard drives. Despite all this computation power, it doesn't go where it's supposed to by itself. You need to move it where it belongs.
I want a program that does that. How do you code a program that does that?
Just model what you do when you do that.
In a nutshell: Big clusters of similarly named files and folders act like magnets that suck similar named files to their vicinity.
You look at the filenames. When you see similar words, you know they should go into a folder.
Which folder? You know where there are files and folders with similar names. Those clusters of files and folders are your destinations. For example, you already have several albums by some artist in a folder. All the spread-around files should go there. program would have to locate every file, perhaps utilizing Locate32's database, count how many times words occur in all filenames, and determine matches when those words are in any order, the more similar, the higher the match.
something A something B something
something B something A something
Option: Move only files that have two or more matching words in their filenames.
Option: Only move files or folders or files with some extension.
Option: Limit search folders.
Option: Simulate to see what would happen.
Just ONE run of it would seriously clean up your hard drives. It should check whether there's enough space on the drive. If it notices that you're going to run out of space, it suggests moving the cluster, i.e. the whole subfolder where similar named files are, to another drive with enough space under the same tree structure.
After it has gathered files into big piles, it would sort them further into subfolders if tighter matches are found.
Build as much intelligence into it as you can. Make it work exactly like you would.
Oh, and why not throw in automatic archive extraction into subfolders and clean up unnecessary folders. Just like you would.
And file & folder name cleanup with a simple txt file of words and sentences to kill. It could determine that if you have two words, like
Artist Name - Song
And you have lots of names like
Name, Artist - Song
it would think, "perhaps I need to rename all 'Artist Name - Song' to 'Name, Artist - Song'" while I'm at it. The user seems to prefer it that way. It might ask you.