I use Dopus as a File Manager.
When I select a file in DOPUS, I can right click the selected file and from the Context menu select Scan with AVG Free.
I would like to simplify this because Right Click to get the context menu and select the Scan with AVG Free command can be a little tedious.
Ideally, I could create a custom button and attach a command to execute AVG Free and scan the selected file.
But I'm not sure how to locate the command the context menu is using.
The command C:\Program Files\AVG\AVG8\avgscanx.exe accepts commandline instructions.
But the scanning is quite fast and it appears to be a DOS based command and the scanning results appears momentarily in a DOS windows and disappears before you can even look at it.
The Right Click Context Menu command Scan with AVG Free, brings up a Windows box telling you it's scanning and then the results.
Are there any DOPUS experts around here that knows the answer ?