Hi, i'am not sure if i am posting this in the right folder;
Skrommel made me this script, thanks for that
It is almost working, 1 crucial thing is not; the script only loops the 2 folders in the root. The loop must also contain subdirectories.
So when there is a tiff in \\sanfolder1\folder\folder\tiff.tiff
And in \\sanfolder2\folder\example\tioff.tiff
It also has to move the tiff into the output folder..
I add the script in my post, does anyone know how to loop also the subfolders?
Please help..
MsgBox, EBN PDF-TIFF zoek tool v1.0 Zet de exe in de root van de te sorteren map met PDF's!
;Set variable for output folder
localfolder=d:\PDFS ;EBN Weebverzending PDF
sanfolder1=d:\san1 ;SAN Folder1
sanfolder2=d:\san2 ;SAN Folder2
Loop,%localfolder%\*,1 ;Zoekt door de weekverzending
IfInString,A_LoopFileAttrib,D ;Kijkt of er mappen zijn
MOVE(A_LoopFileName,sanfolder1,A_LoopFileFullPath) ;Kijkt of diezelfde map bestaat in de sanfolder1
MOVE(A_LoopFileName,sanfolder2,A_LoopFileFullPath) ;Kijkt of diezelfde map bestaat in de sanfolder2
Loop,%root%\*,1 ;Zoekt door de root van de sanfolders
If (A_LoopFileName=find) ;Als er een match is...
FileMoveDir,%A_LoopFileFullPath%,d:\output\%find% ;Verplaats de map naar de lokale folder