Well, I am not looking for evil intentions here, but this kind of particular overlooking cannot be disregarded as just plain lazyness. Some people like to think that if someone is worried about privacy, he/she is going nuts, worrying about corporations, goverments are following him/her day and night. NO the issue is none of this. The main issue is that noone has any right or business to follow or track what I do until I let them to. This is not a paranoia, this is search for rights. Now those who like to ridicule these important issues are just shooting themselves in the foot by helping those sloppy lazzy or evil companies, call hem whatever you like.
Now Opera is helping you by serving phishing data but in return they are logging every url you click on. How come this is just a simple feature enabling or disabling issue? This is an important thing that should not be enabled by default and they should mention it to the user spesifically during the install. It would be amazingly dumb if they have never thought about this flaw while implementing the feature.