circle dock is a great idea, i like it very much.
i've translated the language (for 0.9.2 alpha 8 ) into Bahasa Indonesia, hope it useful.
i see there is much improvement from the previous versions, but in this versions (0.9.2 alpha 8 ), i still can't add special link like "My Computer", "Recycle Bin", etc. I've tried using registry argument for target (i.e, ::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D} for My Computer), but still doesn't work either. Anyway, this version is more usable than previous versions. good job Eric
can't wait for updates
Thanks for the translation, I'll add it into Alpha 8 for tomorrow and put you in the credit list.
As for those virtual folders you listed, I recommend you make Windows shortcuts for them and hide them or put them in an out of the way folder and then put those shortcuts on Circle Dock. I haven't figured out a way of getting the CSLID's for virtual folders from a drag and drop operation yet; I haven't found any documentation that shows how this can be done from drag and drop but I hope to find a way soon.
Be sure to grab the official Alpha 8 release tomorrow since some things have changed based on the feedback I've gotten here and my own testing of Alpha 8.