I'm saying the obvious, but here : unless you write your own application or pay someone to write it for you, it's very unlikely (still... ok... slightly possible) that you'll find exactly what you want, with all the mini details. Software and organization is a lot about compromise -- right? Compromise and choices about security, accessibility, flexibility, ease of use, portability, scalability, sexiness, price, etc. etc.
One needs to find something that's close enough and try to work with it, find ingenious solutions (use one's imagination, creativity...) to circumvent limitations. Sometimes it's a combination of different software that'll create the best solution. Sometimes one has to adapt his/her ways of doing things slightly to match the software's design, etc.
There are no perfect software. I don't have one software -- especially the ones that I intensely use everyday -- that's perfect. They're all great, but they always have a little something I wish was different. Isn't this the same with... anything else in life?
I tend to obsess too about these types of things (it's a disease) : trying to find the perfect tool for such and such, the perfect career, the perfect place to live, etc. But in the end, really, it's probably not that important -- unless, of course, one likes the fun of always looking for that "thing" that's "better" than what here and now. Nothing wrong with that, I guess... depends.