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Last post Author Topic: IDEA: Customizable Unicode character paster  (Read 33087 times)


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IDEA: Customizable Unicode character paster
« on: August 28, 2008, 02:54 AM »

I have been looking for a small app that will do this for quite a long time. I have tried many variations but nothing is quite what I am looking for. I would like to see an app that presents the user with a window containing maybe 20 buttons (though, ideally, the number would be customizable). Each button can be assigned to a single Unicode character, maybe via an INI. Clicking on the button would paste that character into the active text field. I think such an app would work best if there were an option to keep the window on top, if it could be activated/minimized to the tray with a user-defined hotkey.

I need an app like this because I am learning Hungarian, and I occasionally need to type unicode characters. CHARMAP is just too slow and awkward for this.

One similar app is Diacrit. It lets users choose character sets from different languages, but does not allow full customization. It also does not paste the characters - it only copies them to the clipboard. Diacrit is not freeware.

LangPad is similar, but does not allow customization at all. Character sets must be purchased individually. I don't even think it does Unicode.

Type International Characters is another that is customizable, though it pops up a menu from an icon in the system tray rather than presenting a GUI. This one actually worked quite well, and if is easier to implement an app that does things this way, that would be OK. It is also not free.

The only freeware app I have found that comes close is QuickKey. It requires .NET, however, which I do not use. It is also incredibly complicated, and contains far more features than I require.

There are more, but I won't list them. I have tried many, but nothing is as simple and as elegant as it could be. Just buttons that paste characters, nothing more.

So there it is! I am not a programmer so I have no idea how much time it would take to create something like this, but if it is feasible, and if anyone is inclined to help out with such an app, I would be very grateful.

Thank you!


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Re: IDEA: Customizable Unicode character paster
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2008, 03:10 AM »
The only freeware app I have found that comes close is QuickKey. It requires .NET, however, which I do not use....

Would you be willing to install .Net? Or is there some reason you are against it? It's a good technology.
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Re: IDEA: Customizable Unicode character paster
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2008, 03:29 AM »
 :tellme: Have you tried if Accents works with unicode chars?



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Re: IDEA: Customizable Unicode character paster
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2008, 03:34 AM »
i think CharsBars would also be useful in this case.


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Re: IDEA: Customizable Unicode character paster
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2008, 03:44 AM »
Yes, I have tried your accents app, and found that it does not work with unicode unfortunately.

I would prefer not to install .NET for a few reasons. One, I want the app to be fully portable, and any dependencies go against this. But mostly I just don't like installing things. It's a strange phobia that I have developed lately. Almost every app I use is portable, I only have a few things installed like my shell, file manager, a few codecs... I can't exactly offer a reason for this other than the joy of having a system that is almost entirely modular. It also cuts down on running processes and other things that slow down my ancient computer. It's not much of an argument, but there it is...

I did try CharBars somewhere long the way, though I don't remember why I didn't keep it. I'll try it again.

EDIT - I just grabbed AHK and loaded CharBars, but only the first character in the chars string is coming up on the menu. i changed that charcter to a unicode character and saved the .ahk file as unicode, but when i tried to reload the script it gives me an error...
« Last Edit: August 28, 2008, 03:54 AM by garbanzo »


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Re: IDEA: Customizable Unicode character paster
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2008, 12:30 PM »
EasyUnicodePasterScreenshot.jpgIDEA: Customizable Unicode character paster1
Edit: Grab a newer version of Easy Unicode Paster in the messages below.

For what it's worth, here is a version of the easy unicode paster program you want in .Net since that is what I'm using primarily at the moment and I have the components to build it from other projects. I think the screenshots do good job of illustrating what it can do but I'll point out some of them to make it clear:

(1) You can paste either single unicode characters or a string of them at a time.
(2) You can change the number of buttons, the order of the buttons, the unicode characters pasted, the size of the buttons, and the default size of the window in the Config.ini file. The buttons are automatically layed out by the program.
(3) You can select a hotkey from the drop downlist (try the hotkeys out, some may not work on your system) that hides the program. Pressing the hotkey again shows the program.
(4) There is a tray icon (not shown) that makes the program visible.
(5) You can make the program topmost/not topmost.
(6) Click the "Reload Buttons" button to reload the settings from the Config.ini file.
(7) The source code is pretty simple and readable since all the hard things are done by the .Net Framework and a couple of dll files.
(8) The program does not take focus even when you click on it. It will send the unicode keys to which ever window has focus.

The executable and the source code are included (written in my favorite language, C#). I think that this program is pretty handy since I could use it for other things like pasting addresses in programs or registration forms.

You can get the latest version of .Net from and it won't slow down your computer since it doesn't run when it's not used. I think the new version of the .Net Framework has a pretty small download size from what I've been hearing.

Eric Wong

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« Last Edit: August 29, 2008, 12:04 AM by VideoInPicture »


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Re: IDEA: Customizable Unicode character paster
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2008, 01:32 PM »
wow Eric, this is almost perfect. it looks great and does everything i wanted it to - except for the unicode part! i don't know if i did something wrong or what. here is a clip from the config file i set up that includes all of the special characters used in Hungarian:


everything works but four - 110, 120, 170, and 180. these are the four unicode characters in Hungarian. they are the four that give me the most trouble. all the rest i can make in Word using the built-in hotkeys - but not these. Skrommel's Accents makes all the rest except for these. gosh, i hate those four vowels  :mad:

should i be using a different font? do i have something set wrong? i would love for this to work, the app you made is just ideal for my purposes!

by the way, did you look up some hungarian words for your screenshots? i see a few in there :)

thanks for all your hard work getting this set up. i hope for your sake that it's not too much of a bother to get things working on my end!
« Last Edit: August 28, 2008, 01:35 PM by garbanzo »


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Re: IDEA: Customizable Unicode character paster
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2008, 09:01 PM »
......everything works but four - 110, 120, 170, and 180. these are the four unicode characters in Hungarian. they are the four that give me the most trouble. all the rest i can make in Word using the built-in hotkeys - but not these. Skrommel's Accents makes all the rest except for these. gosh, i hate those four vowels  :mad:

should i be using a different font? do i have something set wrong? i would love for this to work, the app you made is just ideal for my purposes!

by the way, did you look up some hungarian words for your screenshots? i see a few in there :)

DemoWithDoubleAccentCharacters.JPGIDEA: Customizable Unicode character paster1
NewConfig.ini.JPGIDEA: Customizable Unicode character paster2

Looks like there is either a bug somewhere in one of the implementations of unicode in either Windows or some programming libraries. Either way, I've fixed the problem of those special unicode characters in EasyUnicodePaster V1.1. I've made it so that you can specify the unicode XML number of the character you want in the new Config.ini file as well as just pasting the plain characters when those work. The screenshots above should show you how it's working now. I just took the part of the Config.ini file you pasted and added the last 6 buttons in their with the double accent characters.

I've also changed the font of the buttons in the source code to be a regular typeface for easier reading of some of the more complex characters.

And yes, I looked up all those hungarian words and characters on Wikipedia just to see what I was dealing with. I think I'll do a bit more refinement on the interface of this program and how you change the settings and set up a Wikidot website for it since I think this is quite useful and easy to use. I think there are lots of people who would just like a simple program like this when they are working with weird unicode characters since it is much faster than going through lots of menus and the large buttons make it easy to use.

Executable and source code (C#) included in the zip file.

Eric Wong

Edit: Use the newer version 1.2 of Easy Unicode Paster below.
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« Last Edit: August 28, 2008, 11:19 PM by VideoInPicture »


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Re: IDEA: Customizable Unicode character paster
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2008, 11:18 PM »
There was a little bug is version 1.1 of Easy Unicode Paster. There was a hidden panel in the program that was interfering with the flow layout of the buttons. I was wondering why the buttons moved around like they did.

This new version has a much more logical button flow layout. Please delete the old one and use this (version 1.2).

Eric Wong
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Re: IDEA: Customizable Unicode character paster
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2008, 02:57 AM »
this is outstanding, Eric! i'm glad you're also pleased with it. and yes, i believe there are many people who will find this useful. as i said, i've been looking for something like this for quite a long time, and while there are alternatives, none are as free and easy as this has turned out to be.

thank you very much for your time and effort!


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Re: IDEA: Customizable Unicode character paster
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2008, 03:17 AM »
Very cool work eric!


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Re: IDEA: Customizable Unicode character paster
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2008, 02:55 AM »
I asked for almost the same feature, and received this answer from DC member skrommel:

Try CharsBar!

Add your own characters to a docked, autohiding toolbar.
Change the settings in the top of the script.


; Add your own characters to a docked, autohiding toolbar
;Skrommel @ 2008

color=000000  ;RRGGBB
dock=top      ; top left right bottom



DllCall( "RegisterShellHookWindow", UInt,guiid )
MsgNum := DllCall( "RegisterWindowMessage", Str,"SHELLHOOK" )
OnMessage( MsgNum, "ShellMessage" )

Gui,+AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow -Resize -Border -Caption
Gui,Font,S%size% W%weight% C%color%,%font%
Loop,% StrLen(chars)
  Gui,Add,Button,% "GCLICK W" buttonw " H" buttonh,% char

ShellMessage( wParam,lParam )
  Global activeid
  Global guiid
    If (lParam<>guiid And lParam<>0)


IfWinExist,ahk_id %guiid%
  WinGetPos,guix,guiy,guiw,guih,ahk_id %guiid%
If (mx>=guix And mx<=guix+guiw And my>=guiy And my<=guiy+guih)
  If hiding=1
  If hiding=0
If ((my<=monitorTop And dock="top") Or (my>=monitorBottom-1 And dock="bottom") Or (mx<=monitorLeft And dock="left") Or (mx>=monitorRight+1 And dock="right"))
  WinShow,ahk_id %guiid%

WinHide,ahk_id %guiid%

If A_GuiEvent In Normal,DoubleClick
  WinActivate,ahk_id %activeid%

;  ControlSendRaw,,%A_GuiControl%,ahk_id %activeid%

If building=1
If ErrorLevel=1  ;minimized



If dock=top
  WinMove,ahk_id %guiid%,,% monitorLeft,% monitorTop,% monitorRight-monitorLeft,% buttonh+yspace
If dock=bottom
  WinMove,ahk_id %guiid%,,% monitorLeft,% monitorBottom-buttonh-yspace,% monitorRight-monitorLeft,% buttonh+yspace ;%
If dock=left
  WinMove,ahk_id %guiid%,,% monitorLeft,% monitorTop,% buttonw+xspace,% monitorBottom-monitorTop
If dock=right
  WinMove,ahk_id %guiid%,,% monitorRight-buttonw-xspace,% monitorTop,% buttonw+xspace,% monitorBottom-monitorTop

  GuiControl,MoveDraw,%A_LoopField%,X%x% Y%y%
  If (x>A_GuiWidth-buttonw-xspace)
Wow, skrommel. Thanks a lot! I only have one question: What on earth do I do with such a code?  :tellme:
/an IT-analphabetic  :-[
Just go to, download and install autohotkey. Then, open notepad, copy-paste that code there and save it as "CharsBar.ahk".
Then just double-click charsbar.ahk :)

I tried it once but couldn't make it work
- I don't know if the error was on my side, or if anything is wrong with this script.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2008, 03:17 AM by Curt »


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Re: IDEA: Customizable Unicode character paster
« Reply #12 on: August 30, 2008, 06:31 AM »
Can Easy Unicode Paster [EUP] be made support signs like  ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ ♤ ♡ ♢ ♧ ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ ؟  please? Diacrit includes these signs but will not tell their NCR/XML numbers, and BabelMap will tell all names but does not contain these, so I have not been able to make EUP show them.

" ؟ " is the Arabic Question Mark = 1567 ;  but EUP will not display it.


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Re: IDEA: Customizable Unicode character paster
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2008, 07:00 AM »
I tried it once but couldn't make it work
- I don't know if the error was on my side, or if anything is wrong with this script.

Curt, i thought it was working for you. that's why i recommended CharsBars earlier in this thread. :) however, i'll continue in that thread. :)


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Re: IDEA: Customizable Unicode character paster
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2008, 07:05 AM »
Can Easy Unicode Paster [EUP] be made support signs like  ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ ♤ ♡ ♢ ♧ ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ ؟  please? Diacrit includes these signs but will not tell their NCR/XML numbers, and BabelMap will tell all names but does not contain these, so I have not been able to make EUP show them.

" ؟ " is the Arabic Question Mark = 1567 ;  but EUP will not display it.

Your in luck, I've just been making improvements to Easy Unicode Paster and I want something to test it with. Changes I've made:

-Real time dragging and resizing with the mouse instead of having to unclick like in the previous versions.
-Remembers your last window size and location when exiting.
-Ability to change the font and size of the buttons.

I'll try and make a character set out of those you pasted. I'll be back in a few minutes.
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Re: IDEA: Customizable Unicode character paster
« Reply #15 on: August 30, 2008, 11:08 AM »
@Curt, I got your symbols working in the new version of Easy Unicode Paster (V1.3):

Cards_Music.JPGIDEA: Customizable Unicode character paster1
Cards_Music_inWord.JPGIDEA: Customizable Unicode character paster2

I have started a webpage for Easy Unicode Paster. The address is:

You can download your Cards & Music version of EUP (1.3) off the website.

If anyone else has some character sets they want or they want to create some character sets for Easy Unicode Paster, just post here or PM me.

Eric Wong
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« Last Edit: August 30, 2008, 11:23 AM by VideoInPicture »


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Re: IDEA: Customizable Unicode character paster
« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2008, 11:14 AM »
Beautiful.. I love when you create these attractive web pages for your programs.
Eric -- you should make and submit "pad files" for your programs.

Also, if wikidot supports it, you can now embed a widget listing recent posts in your section of the forum using an rss feed of this board.


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Re: IDEA: Customizable Unicode character paster
« Reply #17 on: August 30, 2008, 11:25 AM »
Yeah, I should do those pad files. I did one of them but I forgot about it....
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Re: IDEA: Customizable Unicode character paster
« Reply #18 on: August 30, 2008, 11:28 AM »

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, there are tooltips for each of the unicode buttons in Easy Unicode Paster 1.3.
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Re: IDEA: Customizable Unicode character paster
« Reply #19 on: August 30, 2008, 11:46 AM »
Wow! Very impressive, Eric  :Thmbsup: Thank you for this - I'm going to give it a go.


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Re: IDEA: Customizable Unicode character paster
« Reply #20 on: August 30, 2008, 11:52 AM »
This is close to being awesome!  :up:

I might be able to figure out how to transform & transfer the buttons from 1.2, but I am confused about how to calculate the new window size and such. Are you planing to explain this subject in a more clear way in the next Config.ini? Or are you maybe already planing to make up a big brother version with easy "room" for many more buttons / characters? I merely wanted to also add some card and music signs:

My copy of version 1.2:

1.2.gifIDEA: Customizable Unicode character paster

« Last Edit: August 30, 2008, 11:55 AM by Curt »


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Re: IDEA: Customizable Unicode character paster
« Reply #21 on: August 30, 2008, 03:08 PM »
With Easy Unicode Paster Version 1.3, there is no longer a need to calculate the window size. The program will automatically save the last window size used and the last position the window was at upon exiting. It will load this again when the program restarts. This means that all you have to worry about is what is inside [Unicode Characters] in Config.ini.

The syntax for Config.ini is slightly different. You now use *NUM* at the end of the name for a unicode character to specifiy that you are giving the program it's unicode xml number. The text on the very left of each line, before the "=" sign is used as the unique name and tooltip text for the button. You can still paste what you have from version 1.2 into version 1.3 and the program will still display it. Give it a try and post your Config.ini file if you have trouble.

To modify the size and font of the buttons, right click on them when you have Easy Unicode Paster opened.

I'll do a section up on the website explaining how to modify Config.ini.
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« Last Edit: August 30, 2008, 03:11 PM by VideoInPicture »


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Re: IDEA: Customizable Unicode character paster
« Reply #22 on: August 30, 2008, 04:50 PM »
I am a little too tired to do it right now - it is midnight around here, but I will try tomorrow. At the moment I am happy with version 1.2 - see new screenshot. However, 1.2 or 1.3; they do not accept Start Minimized. Will you consider to add such feature, so I can have it start silently with Windows, please?

Did you notice that it is impossible to Alt+PrntScr -capture the window? Not that it matters.

1.2-2.gifIDEA: Customizable Unicode character paster


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Re: IDEA: Customizable Unicode character paster
« Reply #23 on: August 30, 2008, 06:37 PM »
 :) It seems I made a similar tool a little while back. Have a look at




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Re: IDEA: Customizable Unicode character paster
« Reply #24 on: August 30, 2008, 06:55 PM »
:) It seems I made a similar tool a little while back. Have a look at



Yes but it seems some do not manage to get it to work.