I've downloaded BatteryRun and the AutoHotKey script but can't get them to function properly.
I saved the script as a "batteryrun.ahk" Autohotkey file and then d/l and launched the "BatteryRun.exe" file. While this launched the {batteryRun-About} screen, it failed to install a batteryRun icon in my taskbar tray. Double clicking the "BatteryRun.ahk" file likewise activated the "about" screen but nothing else.
Needless to say, nothing happened when I subsequently removed and then replaced the power cord. No Wav files or messages were activated.
I'm clueless but realize I've failed to do something. Do I need to edit the script and/or configure the "batteryrun.exe" file as suggested in the "About" file. How does one edit the "command line" to summon the "wav" files mentioned in the "About" screen?
Any suggestions much appreciated. Sorry I'm not particularly clueful about this stuff.