BTW, you can encode binaries to MIME/Base64 or UUE (same as with eMail)
so you would get an 7bit ASCII plain text from your binaries
which one could store in fSekrit.
Before i am used TotalCommander for this issue i used
Fastcode32 4.0 Beta 3Fastcode32 is a fast and simple encoder and decoder for MIME, UUencoded and XXencoded files.
Fastcode can automatically detect the correct decoding method for the chosen file and it can handle multipart MIME files.
Fastcode can also be operated by right-clicking on a file and choosing Fastcode from the shell context menu.
Fastcode32 is a multipurpose MIME/UU/XX/BinHex/AtoB/BtoA decoder and encoder.
Fastcode32 provides a fast way to decode/encode your files.
It automatically detects encoded format and decodes the file.
Update includes AtoB/BtoA encoding format, drag-and-drop support, and more.
Typ Freeware
Betriebssystem Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
Sprache english
Dateigröße ,00 MB
Preis ---
Portable, no installation
Download, non for the moment, all redirect to the original homepage which no longer exists. Will provide one later.
An download for the version 3.25 you will find on this side
Edit: silly me
i was wrong, it was
UUDeview (UUD32) i've used (and still use if needed):
UUDeview is a program that will help you to transmit and receive binary files over the Net.
It includes both an encoder and a decoder.
The decoder automatically detects the type of encoding used, offering MIME Base64, yEnc, and BinHex as well as the popular uuencoding
and the less frequently used xxencoding methods.
The encoder runs the other way around and encodes a binary file for transmission by e-mail or over the newsgroups.
Free and portable too.
A version of fSekrit to handle small binaries?-
Hope this is no threat highjacking