modified an old script by
wr975 to temporarily keep Farr always-on-top but this doesn't work for the "stay open" thingy. just copy the script & add it to your Farr toolbar.
; Always on Top toggle for active window - by wr975
; Source:
; Adapted for Farr toolbar
#SingleInstance force
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
IfWinActive, %A_Space%Find and Run Robot v2 ahk_class TMainForm
WinGet, ExStyle, ExStyle, A
If (ExStyle & 0x8)
WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, Off, A
TrayTip, AlwaysOnTop, Disabled,, 1
WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, On, A
TrayTip, AlwaysOnTop, Enabled,, 1
Sleep, 2000