Most programs offered here are updated from time to time. Check the version number to make sure you have the latest versions!For some programs you will also need a file called BWCC.DLL which you probably already have. If not click here to obtain the latest version as BWCC.ZIP.
Some Useful Windows Programs (and some just fun!)ZapNums.exe, (Ver 3.2 November 2005) NEW Are you tired of mp3 and similar files having filenames that start with numbers? Well, this program will run through a whole directory and its subdirectories searching for such files and removing the leading numerals for you! Various files types can be specified or all files examined. To download version 3.2 of ZapNums Click here (200 KB)NoNums.exe (Ver 3.0 Sept 2005). Is very similar to ZapNumbs (above) but has added entertainment! To downwoad NoNums (750 KB) click hereSetsongs.exe, (Ver 2.30 October 2005) Tired of the Microsoft 'Brooom' as Windows loads ? Put a copy of this program in your Startup Folder and have a selection from the tunes of your choice played instead! Or, as an alternative have the date and time announced in (for now) a rather bizzare voice. Download (1.1MB) by clicking here.Easter.exe, (Ver 5.00) November 2007 This program will not only calculate the dates for Easter and many other 'festivals' and details of the Psalms Appointed for any day but also includes the full text of the Psalms and search routines. Click here to download (326KB)New SpotDiff.exe (Ver. 1.30 April 2007) is a small game of 'Spot-the-Difference). There are 10 pairs of pictures each with 10 differences. (NB. One picture contains nudes (non-pornographic)). Because of the graphic content, this is a large file (5MB plus). To download click hereBiblos.exe, (Ver 2.73) This little program is for keeping track of your books round the house. Do you know which shelf the book you want is on? And do you know who you lent it too if it isn't there? This version is a trial version with no 'help' files and no ReadMe file (yet). Click here to download (290 KB). Do report back any comments.Genbak.exe, (Ver 1.0 July 2005) Provides faster and reliable backup of material from directories (folders) and their sub-directories and has provision for making 'Action Lists' for regular backups of mixed groups of data. You must have a facility to format your CD to prepare it for writing before you can use this or most other writing-to-CD program. Note that 'Nero' software does not allow advance formatting of CDs but all the 'Roxio' software, such as 'Easy CD/DVD' does. Download version 1.0 (beta 300KB).Grafmkr.exe (Version 4.1 February 2005) This little program draws simple graphs which can be saved or printed. It does not do equations! Version 4.1 allows up to three, different coloured, curves, each of up to 250 points, on the graph. Do not expect marvels of this program! Click here to download (117 KB). NB: If you have graphs created with Version 1 or 2 of this program, you will not be able to use them with this version. You can, however, convert them with 'Convert2.exe' which can be downloaded. Full instruction for the use of Convert2 are included in its readme file.NEW BCPIndex.exe (Ver 2.0 July 2007) This application contains the complete 1662 version of The Book of Common Prayer (BCP) together with facilities to search the book. This is a 32-bit application suitable for Windows-95/98/NT/XP Not tested on Vista. (480KB)QuidNunc.exe (Ver 3.0 - July 2004) This is a simple Alarm Clock which will alert you to an appointmet at the scheduled time. QuidNunc uses both sound and vision and overrides anything else you may be doing at the time! . This version works on Windows-95/98/XP or NT. (127KB).Slidex.exe (Ver 2.1 Feb 2005) This little program is to catalogue your slides/photos or other items. It assumes your slides are held in Boxes containing one or more Trays each holding up to 100 Slides. Search and Printing facilites are included. Memo2050.exe (Version 4.63 - June 2008). This is a simple Diary for Windows which will automatically display the events for your week ahead. Entries can be made for any date up to 31/12/2050. Memo2050 does many useful tricks and has the advantage simplicity over many other available diaries. If you also download the file Memo2050 will be even more fun! (92KB) or (212KB) New Pinit.exe (Version 1.55 February 2008) Will pin a little note to your desktop with any message or reminder you set. The note will remain on top of any other pages you may have open. (90 KB)Winsplit.exe (Ver 1.5) Will split any large file, (Max about 140 MB), into smaller sections (Default 1.44 MB) to fit onto floppy discs etc. It also generates small DOS batch (.BAT) programs to reassemble the segments and to cleanup. (200KB)NEW CatsKeep.exe (June 2008) version 8.86 Is a program to assist in the magagement of a Boarding Cattery or, perhaps, a Boarding Kennel. It keeps full records of all the Pets and their owners and Prints Arrival and Departure sheets as well as Invoices and Pen-Labels etc. Download version 8.86 by clicking here.Jotter.exe (Ver 3.5 June 2004) This little application will take instant notes for you should you, perhaps, get an important 'phone call while you have another application running and can't find pencil and paper! Version 3.5 has improvements which now allow copying to clipboard and is worth downloading! Great little very fast program for one-line notes. Includes viewer of course! NEW Sunrise.exe (Ver 5.2 April 2008 ) Plots a graph showing the variations in day length through the year, Sunrise and Sunset times, Longest and Shortest days etc for any latitude and longitude.. It includes facilities to save configurations for different locations. (112 KB).Mymusic.exe (Ver 1.2) Is a simple Windows cataloguing program to help keep track of your various tapes and discs. Download version 1.2 by clicking here. Later versions will, of course, have more facilities. (91 KB)Timetill.exe (Ver 5.0 - September 2003) Ever wondered how many more years, days or even minutes till you go on holiday, retire or some such? Or, perhaps how long since your last cup of coffee or payrise? Timetill will keep you informed automatically if you put a copy in your Windows' Start-up group. LotNums.exe (Ver 1.2) Pick your winning lottery numbers with a program with a difference. This application will pick from 1 to 8 numbers from a total of from 24 to 50 numbers so can be used for many types of lottery. The recently reported apparent effect of the phase of the moon on the distribution of winning numbers in the UK lottery is optionally considered. (90KB)FCmon.exe (Ver 2.55) How much time do you waste playing 'FreeCell' ? Too much I expect! This little program will monitor your performance and suggest remedial fines if your score falls below 60% wins! This version works on Windows-95/98/2000/NT/XP etc Note that the newer versions of Freecell included in Windows-95->XP will not work with Freeskil. The easy way to overcome this is to download the older and identical version of Freecell.Addrsbk.exe (Ver 2.55 January 2005) Is a simple but effective and easy to use address book with superb search facilities. Two separate sets of data, for example: Home and Business can be created. Version 2.55 allows longer e-mail addresses. (203KB).GeoClock.exe Gives a pretty window with up to 16 clocks showing the time of day in different cities of the world. Cities can be selected and new ones added easily and the wallpaper changed. (127KB).CashBook.exe (Ver 3.11 August 2004) This is just a simple cash-book. You can have several different accounts to which you just credit or debit items and CashBook keeps a running total for you. Just right for the kids' pocket money! Version 3.11 is a beta version update of the 1996 original. (28KB)Txtrev.exe (Version 2.2 November 2004) This program reads a simple Text File and reverses the contents, either line by line, or as a single block. The result can be saved in a file and subsequently loaded into MS-WORD or sililar application. A TrueType font RSTimesMirror is included to print reversed characters and produce a full Mirror Image of the text. (450KB)Snob.exe (Ver 1.2) is a bit of fun to try and tell you a little about the English 'class' system which is still very much alive. To see how you might fit in, click here