Heh, heh - close, Chris! I have four notebooks, though... but they are all battle hardened and battle scarred!
What I like about dtSearch is how many search options there are and the fact that it's purely a fire it up and use it application - no scheduler, no auto-start feature on by default, etc. Thus, you index what you want and then update the resulting index/indices when you want. The initial indexing took on the order of 2.5 hours for 17 GB of data and updates run a "few" minutes (on the order of 2-6 minutes). Add to this the excellent previewing capabilities and it's a very robust search tool. I find it to be intermediate between Archivarius (still one of my faves - but dtSearch features superior Outlook PST scanning support and much, much better file previewing. Note, though that dtSearch is a 35MB download versus Archivarius' 3 MB and that Archivarius is overall the lightest of the three) and X1, which features hands-down the best previewing capabilities courtesy of its use of Stellent viewers but is prone to hanging and is head and shoulders above the other two in terms of resource hogging! Still, the latest version of X1 is much, much, much more stable than previous versions and is thus quite usable.