Forgive my spelling mistkes, my wireless keyboard is screwed.
You did say "aka the registration info.
Also, I don't think it's fair to use Regshot to get it"
Sorry, but to me that indicated I was supplying registration info. No problem though
There's no real reason to contact the developer, because there are very few uninstallers that do a complete uninstall. I don't mean GOAD software, but
all software.
This next section is for the experienced registry hackers:
I use regshot for every installation I do, because I want to know what being added to my computer. I've been working with the registry since 1995 after purchasing a book called Widows 95 Registry Guide. What a crock, they baically told you how to use TweakUI. I tossed the book nd began experimenting on my own. I manually edit the registry on a daily basis and haven't crashed amachine in years. I'm a moderator at the former site, now its but haven't been postingon forums for a couple of years. Iwas aually hired by PCTools by the adviceof the USA manager, but unfortunately they moved all tech suport to their Melbourne, Australia office....nd they didn't invite me along
I use to use Regsht to manually remove leftover entries, which beame quite time consuming. I tried Regseeker... which did a good job for seaching by company name, then by program name or folder name to remove the entries RegSeeer also is pretty good at cleaning the entire registry however, it aways seems to detect .chm files s being an invlid exteion. But, it's at the top of he list, so ally u have to do is unselect that entry. Only expierienced users should use RegSeeker It does make an undo file however. To be certain you don't hose your system, simply create a restore point before running Regseeker.
I've also tried CCLeaner, but all this program does is basically removes thousands of MRU and Shell\bag keys which are re-created in a matter of hours of using your computer. I know use RevoInstaller, which I mentioned earlier, but this still does not remove every entry. I'm to the point where when I install a program (especially from GOAD, to create a restore point, work with the program making no other changes to the system. If I don't like the program, I simply do a restore to
completely remove it altogether.
Thank you Philip for providing the link for the new version. I downloaded ot once, but couldn't get the English interface to work.
If anyone's interested in some good hardcore utilities, I'd recommend these sites:
http://www.majorgeeks.com unzip utility is my favorite. It will unpack almost any installer, yes zip's, .rar, and .exe's, except for Overlay files. It open source and can be downloaded here: of utilities, here are the best three: ....Yes, Micro$oft bought them out...used to ne
http://sysinternals.com carefull how you install the MiTeC utilities as the .dfm and .pas and.res files need to be in their own directory.
By the way reghakr, which is also on my license plate stands for registry hacker, not regular hacker, or registered hacker, or I've even been asked if I'm a golfer.
If you'd prefer more utilities or download links, just ask, I'll make it a point to stop back.
Again, no offense scancode.