Thanks fellows! You are quick and helpful, very kind of you.
So i have smtg to learn this evening. And i hope this thread will encourage people to try this scripting too.
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WRT ROT13 and Registry?
Some key in Reg are "encrypted" by M$ thereself, like
I can remember there is an other key too,
and i had known an trick to decrypt this key automatically by adding an new key (and/or value)
But ths trick is not presend right now
EDIT: here a few links about this topic
And here is the trick
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ Explorer\UserAssist\
New key "Settings"
New DWORD "NoEncrypt" set to "1 "
Found by sorry for false "encrypt" / "decrypt" using/mix-up.
That's why i want use ROT13... to de-crypt an key/value like them above.
And for to see how this works in Boxer
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ROT13 is also handy to exchange text (email addy f.ex.) in forum not all should read easily (or crawl) .
F.ex. to ask an trick-question and add the answer "rot-ed"
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Please people, come on and fill this tread with live..... what's to script next?