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Author Topic: SyncbackSE Fast Backup - my way of avoiding mishaps  (Read 3505 times)


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SyncbackSE Fast Backup - my way of avoiding mishaps
« on: March 18, 2008, 02:54 PM »
The normal backup mode for SyncbackSE is to scan files on both source and destination, but its Fast Backup mode assumes you have made no changes on the destination and backs up according to changes only on the source.  I thought this might be useful for my annoyingly large Scrapbook folders, but sometimes the destination files will have changed (because of the way I use my USB thumb drives) and so I will need to disable Fast Backup from time to time.  I'm not very good at remembering to do that kind of thing but I thought of using the SyncbackSE "Programs Before" settings to run a little script as a (hopefully) fail-safe reminder.

The "Programs before" can be set to abort the profile if the program fails to execute or if the program returns something other than a specific value.  So, when I click to run the Fast Backup profile, it runs my compiled AHK script.  The script asks me to confirm that the destination files have not been changed.  If I choose "Yes" the profile runs.  If I choose "No" the profile fails. 

My tiny script:

Code: AutoIt [Select]
  1. MsgBox, 4, , Is it OK to run this Fast Backup?  Choose "Yes" to confirm that the destination files have not been changed since the last Fast Backup on this computer.
  2. IfMsgBox, No
  3.     Exit, 1
  4. ; Otherwise, the user picked yes.
  5. MsgBox You pressed YES.