I am just trying to get to grips with Windows Server 2003 (but I know how to use the MSKB
Have you any suggestions on how to get started building a domain with no prior knowledge?
I have bought a book which is quite good and it tells you how to set up the active directory service, DNS service etc. but it doesn't tell me how to get other computers to actually connect to the server or even how to check that the server is running properly.
Under the education scheme I got a free copy of Server 2003 Standard to play with so I have set up a virtual network in VMWare (mixed clients Windows 2000, XP and Vista - though at the moment I am only trying to get the XP client working) - trouble is it doesn't seem to matter what I do I don't seem to be able to login to the server from the clients or join them to the domain. They can all 'see' the domain but just not actually move out of workgroup mode and join the domain!!!
It's all very frustrating - and almost everything you read about Windows Server requires about 10 years prior knowledge of geekspeak !!
Also do you have any good pointers on planning the actually network setup (for when I go physical with a domain controller) - including things like wiring, mixed wired and wifi networks.
Anything you can suggest would be really useful.