Bump! w00t!
The new version of Sauerbraten, codenamed "CTF Edition" (because of the new CTF mode - it is said to be different from capture, not sure yet), has been released! I have the new version and, if you have a CPU that is decent and you have a good graphics card, you will enjoy the new graphical changes. The menus have been slightly changed, there is a new configuration editor (game config ini file I believe), a few new game modes, a single player Campaign mode, new maps, etc etc etc.
Because of this new version, I have begun working a bit again on the DC map - improving the sunlight and small lighting is my current task. Little changes will appear here and there. I plan to extend the map out (removing the "fake sky") and "grow" the map as was originally planned. There may also be a new, more major water flow system, with a waterfall (not sure yet, but it sure would be cool). And maybe some bunkers to hide out in and make the new CTF more challenging and fun.
I am currently doing a private game with a friend of mine (not a DC member) teaching him how to build and whatnot, and the SB dedicated server is still offline (I have to update it to the new version), but I want to make this map much better than it already is and let everyone enjoy it. Also, the DonationCoder City (I believe that is the un-official name of it) is looking a bit outdated, so I might make some changes and improvements there.
If you want to come help out on the map before I "officially" finish the lighting and new additions, you can PM me here, IM me, or email me and I can prep a server real quick and we can work on it.
Anyone here at DC is welcome to work on the map, however anyone caught destroying the map out of pure maliciousness (I assume that is a word)
will not be allowed on any of my DC server(s) anymore, and may be reported to mouser (or a moderator here). Lots of people have worked hard on this map, please play nice.
(Moving items to new locations is not destroying, as long as the item is pasted to its new location promptly. Also, if you are new to Sauerbraten and make a mistake, that is fine!
"Destroying" means taking whole chunks out of the map and attempting to sync the bad map with everyone, and leaving/attempting to get people to save the defaced map.)
Anyways, enough talk, more /calclight!
(You can get the new Sauer version from