Hello all.
I purchased Direct Access about a month ago and I am really enjoying it as much as I can. Excellent application, and a great developer -- very supportive and quick to act on requests whenever possible. (Wish there were more like Nagarsoft and Andrea!)
I noticed an issue recently with any autotext commands that I had set up that are on more than one line: For me, they work in some applications, but not others. I used the Enter key to insert line feeds but as I said, in some - actually most - programs in which I input text the phrase shows all on one line. Yet in other programs it shows on multiple lines as it should. I have corresponded with Andrea of Nagarsoft about this and she indicated that this is unusual. She did offer me a workaround but I am curious to know what I have on my PC that is causing the line feeds not to occur in certain applications. Therefore I am asking anyone using Direct Access to let me know what behavior they are seeing in the applications listed below. What I am seeing after executing the command with a line feed is also shown. To test the line feed function I used a street address and an email signature. For example:
Street Address:- Name on first line
- Street and number on second line
- City, State or Province, Postal Code on third line.
Email Signature:- Name on first line
- Email address on second line.
The results I get are as follows:
- Microsoft Word (in Office 2003 -------> Working - Text shows on multiple lines
- Notepad ----------------------------> Working
- Fastmail's Webmail Interface ---------> Working
- NoteTab Pro v. 4.95 -----------------> Not working - all shows on one long line
- Wordpad ----------------------------> Not working
- AM-Notebook Pro, v5 beta 3 ---------> Not working
- Evernote Pro 2.2 --------------------> Not working
- OneNote 2007 -----------------------> Not working
Of course I know that not everyone will have all the same applications, but if you get a chance please try multi-line commands in whatever program you have in which you commonly enter text and see how this works for you. If anyone has the same or similar issues, maybe we can determine what other programs we have installed and/or running that may be contributing to this behavior.
Any help at all is appreciated!