Seems so, as ShideWin is more of an analysis tool than a utility for daily usage. But thanks for bringing it up, I was trying to remember its name to recommend it in another forum.
I envision three probable paths:
1) Build a custom AHK script for the apps that reside in the systray. That would take a few minutes, but it has the problem that it had to be revised for new apps or changes in the current ones. Besides, it does not provide all the advanced app management functions and visual previews that TaskSwitchXP has (besides, this one looks so cool :D)
2) Someone comes up with a suggestion.
3) I buy Leopard. But that requires a expensive dongle, and my programs don't work under Mac OS X (unless I use Parallels, that is). The combination of virtual desktops and Expose seems perfect, as it means I don't need to have a program in the systray, only in another desktop :). I wonder if it would be possible to mix a program like VirtuaWin and TaskSwitchXP to achieve the same...
The mention of the Alt-Tab plugin for FARR has led me to try something with FARR, and it seems it works as an Alt-Tab replacement in a certain way, even without the plugin. Of course, it requires the program called to allow only one instance, but it's a workaround for now, thanks to Justice's MiniMe :)