I find that locate32's indexing -- and even farr's searches (without taking the launch history into account) for that matter -- already very fast. Even XYplorer, when I last tried it was pretty damn fast! What do they use instead? and how slow would they be, compared to that NTFSsearch tool...? Do you know, f0dder? Zero3K?
Locate32 indexing does feel pretty fast indeed, and it doesn't even use any fancy tricks - in fact, it even uses (iirc) a depth-first instead of arguably slightly faster breadth-first indexing. I guess the reason it's so fast is that it doesn't try to index metadata/file contents, but only the basic stuff.
My guesstimate is that reading the NTFS metadata directly (like ndff and ntfssearch) is roughly as fast as locate32, perhaps a bit slower. Totally unscientific guesstimate. So I guess indexing could be sped up quite a bit by reading NTFS metadata directly. Thing is, this
only works with NTFS and only for
local drives, and considering how fast locate32 already indexes... well...