I have for years been looking for a simple search and replace utility for the Windows Registry. I want to be able to enter a simple alpha numeric string and then replace with one that is almost identical. Currently, I do the search and replace by hand, using the default regedit settings in XP. No special "types" have to be searched.
Essentially, what I do at work is use Ghost to snap an image of a machine the way we set 'em up for campus here. When the same model comes in, I can just drop the image on the new harddrive. However, because these are networked machines, they have to be assigned a unique machine name. This is the part I do by hand.
Granted the task takes all of 90-120 seconds, but sometimes I enter a typo which can cause all sorts of weird behaviour.
Another possible function to be included, or perhaps saved for a separate util, would be the ability to search for the same key, and bookmark it some how, so that I can return to the specific keys at will.
My final requirement would be for these to be so-called "portable" apps, in that they require no "installation" and can simply be copied to a USB key drive and run from there. These would be dangerous tools to leave on a client's computer.
I have run across numerous utilities that do one or the other job, or both. Invariably, such programs are also bloated with numerous features for which I have no use, they are time limited or usage and limited, and the author wants a payment which I consider to be out of line with what the program can do.
Also, I don't imagine for a minute that I've tracked down every instance of registry tool on the net, so if someone knows of such a util that's free, and portable, I'd sure appreciate some pointers!