My problem is:
I intensively use few graphic programs. The most annoying thing is the file saving dialog,
always showing last filename selected. It can lead to accidental file overwrite.
My idea is little program working in background, which, when activated by certain hotkey,
will generate random filename and place it in the clipboard for later paste.
Filenames could be generated using selected charset, counter-based filename, like
myfile0001, myfile002, date&time based filename like 2008-01-10-12-28-33 and so on.
Program settings could contain selecting charset using for filename generation, selecting
counter start value and number of counter digits, selecting constant prefix and/or suffix
in filenames, automatic adding of given extension...
It is sad, that probably there is no program, working with user-saveable files, which use such
obvious function...
Thanks in advance, at least for reading this