When I posted this originally I was thinking more about the capability of rotating the display to accomodate a disabled person. The news is full of stories about our disabled trooops and I was curious about how much work had been done to use the features available in currently available hardware to aid the disabled?
Thirty years ago I turned a small TV set on it's side on the side of my bed to watch something. A disabled troop sure couldn't do that with a 21" portable nor with a 21" monitor.
With a monitor on a table beside the hospital bed could a patient easily rotate the display 90 degrees left or right, CW or CCW, without assistance. Is there simple software available to perform the action?
I don't have any answers and perhaps there is no need?
Henry J. Kaiser said many years ago "Find a need and fill it".
I saw the post from Entech about the display capabilities, the little trick of tipping the TV set on it's side popped into my mind. The thought process continued and I wondered if anyone had explored any of this and whether there was a need. My mind is warped! Something that moves, a box to tell it how, and a programmer to tell the box what to say seems like something waiting to happen. YMMV
I'm sorry if I confused anyone. Hopefully Kaiser filled the need already!