Hi everyone. Here's a problem I'm hoping someone can help me with.
Does anyone know of a way of keeping one window focused, while still being able to use the other window with your mouse, without focusing on it? For example, I sometimes play windowed games while browsing the internet as well. This results in me having to constantly click back and forth between windows when I click on a browser link and then want to enter keyboard commands in the game window. If I was able to keep it focused, I could use the keyboard on one window, and still use my mouse on the other, without the focus permanently shifting over to the browser window, or vice versa.
At the moment I use a tool called KatMouse (
http://ehiti.de/katmouse/) which lets me scroll on one window using the mousewheel without having to focus on it, but it would be great to extend this to mouse clicks as well. I don't know if there are any tweaks or tools available which could help me do that, so any suggestions would be much appreciated!