Paying for something that it's eating up bandwidth from another site (HUGE, but another site), which supplies content which the RIAA and all movie studios are trying to remove would be more than wrong. I found how it works,
it was in the comments of the post about the site launch, in Humanized blog
Are you loading a hidden youtube video with javascript into the page to get the sound? And working with the youtube APIs to search, and get information about each?
-Humanized Weblog
And further down:
Very nice. Is this a youtube mashup? Excellent reduction of the cluttered youtube interface to just a very simple set of functions. Will be watching your next move!
I don't know if doing such thing is illegal or not (hotlinking I mean, which basically is what they're doing), considering that you can embed YouTube videos in every site, but at least they could tell their users how it works. Now this explains how I was getting songs by obscure groups... So, in summary, nothing revolutionary, which means no iTunes killer here, even more considering sound quality and that you don't know if you're getting a song or a interview, like me just now <_< , but slick and worth some songs. And now works *a bit better* in Opera