After restarting the scheduler, I kept checking every now and then just to see if it is still running. All is fine until I reboot. Then -- even though I have SFFS starting with Windows -- the scheduler is no longer running. It has to be manually restarted with every reboot. This is totally unacceptable! What is the purpose of a "scheduler" if it does not run? Since one must remember to "start" the scheduler each time Windows runs then there is no point at all in scheduling backups to run, as they do not run at all automatically.
I really do miss the point of having such a "non-feature". Or, more aptly - the developer has apparently missed the point. Or simply does not understand the meaning of the word "schedule".
A software user should never have to do watch a scheduled task and continually restart the so-called "scheduler". Not with any application in this day and age. Granted I do perform checks every now and then just to make sure that any and all of my scheduled tasks are occurring as planned, but I never feel the need to keep checking on a program to see if it is still scheduled at all! If all scheduled tasks for all programs behaved in this manner, I can't imagine DonationCoder users just standing by, allowing and tolerating such non-performance, and yet still recommending that program highly, as is the case with SFFS. I wonder why that is? I have seen other software applications -- ones that I consider extremely useful -- lambasted here for inconveniences that are far less critical than the way the SFFS scheduler behaves. Weird!
If I had to constantly monitor scheduled tasks for all software applications on my PC, I would be requesting the excellent coders here to please develop a small utility to keep an eye on all scheduled tasks and alert me when I need to restart the scheduler! Maybe something that could initiate an email or SMS notification that reads something like: "Alert!! Time to stop whatever you are doing and go home and restart your SFFS scheduler or no sync jobs will run!!"
OK, OK -- I know. Enough whining and crying about this. Time to go find a sync application that works. SFFS is definitely fast, but when it doesn't sync as scheduled because the scheduler has a faulty design, I lose a lot more time than its speed could ever gain. (I spent less time and had more reliability using the free Microsoft Power Toy SyncToy - plus, the scheduled syncs actually work so I can relax elsewhere while it takes its good old time!)
Thanks for putting up with my whiny little rant, folks! I know it is probably annoying, but I feel better!