I think I am having a similar problem with a program called SplashID from Splashdata. When I double click on a record to open it, Dragking is injecting a "C" which causes a change in my data. Can you make the same change for that - or point me the right point in the source code to add the addl window types? But I guess I need source code that is not yet released? Should I download the version you attached to your first reply, and follow those instructions?
The other weird thing that happens - but its not as serious - is: I use an alternative to windows explorer called xplorer2. When I double click on a directory to open it, it opens, but the name also gets copied to the clipboard. Same problem?
I should add that I *love* dragking - been looking for this capability for a while. But I wonder if maybe it ought to be more of an explicitly invoked function - like, only if you hold down shift or control or alt, or something like that. I am not sure that works with selecting text via the mouse - particularly with a laptop, which already needs 2 hands to move mouse and hold down the left button. My point was just that dragkind is almost TOO powerful - god-like, sort of! <g>
Anyway, let me know what I can do to help with my SplashID problem.