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General Software Discussion / Re: alarm timer countdown software
« Last post by TomColvin on March 31, 2008, 01:37 AM »
I'm very fond of Countdown Pro, which is great for long-term countdowns, such as writing deadlines sometime in the future.  Displays in two modes, a small box that can appear at bootup or as a screensaver.
General Software Discussion / Re: Searching for the best read-aloud software
« Last post by TomColvin on November 21, 2007, 04:31 PM »
I've been using TextAloud for several years, very happy with it.

A couple years ago, I came across two voices that I lost in a computer crash -- two English schoolboys of different ages, one named, as I recall, Sean, both very good and free.  I've tried to find them again and have had no luck.  Does anyone know anything about these voices?
General Software Discussion / Re: Word Press & Widgets
« Last post by TomColvin on October 24, 2007, 02:51 PM »
SRI:  Just visited your blog [and subscribed to RSS].  What I find there are a list of Daily Links in the left hand blog column.  On the right side are 2 sidebars, neither of which have the Google Shared Feed.  I'm guessing that the links on the left are actually being generated by Google Reader.

BTW, I'm running Firefox at 600x800.

General Software Discussion / Re: Word Press & Widgets
« Last post by TomColvin on October 24, 2007, 02:42 PM »
Thanks for yr reply.

I've done most of what you suggest.  In my WP 2.0 installation, the problem is that when I click on the configure icon, nothing happens.  Nothing opens for me to enter anything.  I've tried both RSS widget and Text widget, with no effect.

The problem is even worse in 2.3 -- there the widgets don't drag, it's simply a text list, no draggable boxes.

I will next go to your page and feel envious that you've got it working.  ;-)

Yes, Keynote!  It's become one of my most frequently used programs.  As a writer with lots of projects and articles in the works, I truly rely on this program.
General Software Discussion / Word Press & Widgets
« Last post by TomColvin on October 23, 2007, 12:39 PM »
I would very much like to add to my blog sidebar a widget to present readers with my shared items in Google Reader.  It should be easy to do, but I'm having real difficulty and need some advice.  Have tried the Word Press forum but it has not been at all responsive to my query or other queries of similar nature.  So here I am at my favorite info source DonationCoder.

THE PROBLEM:  I'm running ?my blog on Word Press 2.0, which is installed on my webmaster's server.  I am able to drag available widgets onto the sidebar -- but when I click on the "configuration" icon, nothing happens -- I cannot configure.  I've tried several widget-ready themes and even gone to the wp-administration panel on two different computers.  No luck.

A FAILED ALTERNATIVE:  With no luck in 2. my webmaster has installed in a separate directory Word Press's new version 2.3.  The installation seems to be OK.  Several alternative themes work, and my database of posts is intact.  However, widget problems again.  This time I simply get a list of widgets -- they are not contained in draggable boxes.

Is there anyone here who might know what's wrong?  I've been trying to solve this for a full week now, and I'm getting frustrated.

There is an interesting unfolding series about a real user who turned to open source programs when he became self-employed with no more software provided by his company.  Jeremy Osborne has posted the first of his series in which he will introduce us to the open source software he now uses for work and entertainment.  He is providing in-depth analysis of each program in use -- with screenshots and video.

Check it out at:

General Software Discussion / Re: Managing projects with OUTLOOK
« Last post by TomColvin on October 14, 2007, 11:33 PM »
Armando, keep an eye open for version 2.3 of Essential PIM Pro.  If you are willing to manage projects is a tree outline form, it may work for you.

Once the new version is out [by December at lastest], I expect to use it as a Getting Things Done manager.  I'll be doing a rather full review of the system I expect to work into the software.

Essential PIM Pro also sync's with Outlook.

Armando, yWriter is particularly slanted toward novelists, and probably will not match your needs -- it grew out of the annual Novel in a Month program which puts writers on a schedule each November.  One feature I have found very interesting is an interesting structure to help one graph one's way toward novel completion within the 30-day time limit.

Your query sent me back to the developer's site [], which I haven't visited for over half a year -- and I must thank you for the prodding.  The software is now on version 3, with what are obviously major improvements.  I've downloaded this version [I originally looked at version 1] and will look into it during the week and post to my blog about my findings.  He's also, since my last visit, posted a number of new programs that look interesting.

Regarding Chapter-by-Chapter, there's been an update since you downloaded it, with just a few, but important improvements.  The developer is very approachable, so I suggest you email him direct with your question.  As I recall, you can find his contact info at his website at



General Software Discussion / Re: Any MWSnap users out there?
« Last post by TomColvin on September 30, 2007, 11:32 AM »
I have MWSnap installed, used it often initially.  Now I use ScreenHunter Pro 5.0 -- even paid for it to get its features.  Still MWSnap does a couple things well, so I've kept it on my system [tho, frankly, I've forgotten now what those good features are!].  An hour ago I downloaded Mouser's program, which looks like the best of them all -- will play with it this week.

General Software Discussion / Re: Ultra Explorer; I am impressed!
« Last post by TomColvin on September 30, 2007, 11:23 AM »
I've been using ExplorerPlus for several years.  For those seeking various panel configurations -- Explorer, Dual Horizonal, Dual Vertical, Commander & Photo -- all are available here at a single click.

I bought the program from Novatix, but apparently it has dropped the product.  I'd guess it's available elsewhere, but registration might be a problem.

Never heard of Archivarius before, so I found it via Google.  Looks like a particularly powerful desktop search program.  Armando, why did you choose it over other programs?  This might be worth a separate thread.

Armando, yep my brain wasn't in gear...   Mouser is following this thread but hasn't said much yet -- you're the one driving this discussion.

Re EndNote & Biblioscape:  I evaluated ENDNOTE.  I like it clean appearance, very easy to use.  And if one want strictly to manage bibliography and citations, it's a good way to go.  Biblioscape reaches well beyond that, in my view, becoming a reference manager, rather than simply a citation tool.

I'm running into a little problem with WhizFolders.  I bought the Deluxe version to get the tables feature, which I need for something I'm working on right now.  I'm getting it to work, but everytime I open the program, it tells me that it was shut down improperly the last time -- then it has a cryptic message about the program's use of a Microsoft Rich Text ddl, that sometimes messes things up.  So far, I'm only suffering the irration of the nag screen.  I'll write the developer when I get a chance to see just what's going on.  Otherwise, I'm liking the program.
General Software Discussion / Re: Anyone Using OmniPage and PaperPort?
« Last post by TomColvin on September 01, 2007, 11:47 PM »
I use somewhat outdated versions of both OmniPage and PaperPort -- I have found both to be very helpful.  I do a lot of research for a book, and I move back and forth between residences in Mexico and the Philippines.  These programs really help me get research material into portable form.  Of the two, I use PaperPort more often and so far have no complaints about it at all.  I use Omnipage mostly to get documents into text form for insertion into my askSAM database.  Yes, it's not perfect, but it has saved me a lot of time [especially since my eyesight is pretty bad].

One issue that does bother me: one cannot install the programs on different computers, which is a problem for me because of having desktops at each residence, along with a laptop which I carry between the two.  I pray for a policy change that allows at least two installations, as long as one does not use the program simultaneously on more than one puter.

General Software Discussion / Re: Top 3 programs you use
« Last post by TomColvin on September 01, 2007, 11:24 PM »
Armando, thanks for referring me to your other thread -- lots of interesting commentary there.  The problem you describe there is EXACTLY the one I've been struggling with for over a year -- along with the additional requirement to track my growing bibliography.

 I use askSAM myself, but now only for a database about Philippine monuments.  I just couldn't get it to do what I wanted, when it came to my book research project.  I'm now working with the new version of Biblioscape 7 -- now up to version 7.14, which seems to have fixed the bugs that were bothering me a few weeks ago.  And, as a result of this forum, I've just started using WhizFolders, which I hope will allow me to bring countless word, pdf and data files together.  We'll see...

Darwin, CbC isn't just for book start up.  I was already well into my project when I discovered it.  I cut & pasted all my chapters done up to that point into CbC.  I've discovered that even at the advanced stage of my work, I still move things around a bit -- and CbC makes that simple.  Also I like the chapter-by-chapter word count, which gives me a good sense of how far along I am.  Perhaps the most useful feature is one I haven't yet needed -- the ability to meld lots of separate chapter files into one single document, available for serious work -- pagination, headers-footers, endnotes, indexing, etc.

I am still searching for an easy way to save "versions" as I move along with each chapter.

Mouser, will be very interested to read your evaluation of CbC after you've had a chance to play around with it.

I'm amazed at how little information there is available about the various approaches to the problems Mouser describes.  Certainly, many writers face the same challenge -- but no one seems to have explored this problem and come up with several well-outlined options writers might follow.

General Software Discussion / Re: Top 3 programs you use
« Last post by TomColvin on August 29, 2007, 11:58 PM »
OK, by popular demand: Chapter by Chapter -- or CbC, for short!

CbC essentially manages a book manuscript, which is kept in separate chapter files.  This add in, which works as a small separate program, sits on top of Microsoft Word.

Once CbC is open, one enters a new chapter title, which opens up a blank page in Word, where one writes or imports a chapter, or at least the beginnings.  Then start another chapter, and so on.  Soon CbC displays in its window a list of all your chapters, all stored in sepapate Word files, including word count for each one.  One can drag and drop each chapter into a different order, rearranging one's book.  And if one needs to see the entire book in one file, a click of the mouse brings them all together in a single file, where one can do editing, paginating, change format to suit a particular publisher.

I'm working on a huge book project.  I've tried so many different programs to manage the project -- and I always return to CbC.  And it's free.

More information available at:

Developer Sebastien Berthet provides some useful additional information at this website.

Armando, thanks for nudging me to post this...

General Software Discussion / Re: Top 3 programs you use
« Last post by TomColvin on August 29, 2007, 11:29 PM »
What does Celtx have over Final Draft and Movie Magic?  This is the first time I've ever heard of it, tho I keep my eye open for such things.  I'm very curious -- as a writer, too

Found Deals and Discounts / Re: Achieve Planner Productivity Suite
« Last post by TomColvin on August 25, 2007, 11:20 PM »
Armando, deep minds run in the same channels...  There's just one flaw in the developer's promo.  He talks about doing this to thank his subscribers -- but those of us who've paid for the software already don't get a thing!  Darn...  I'd settle for half price on his e-book.

Found Deals and Discounts / Achieve Planner Productivity Suite
« Last post by TomColvin on August 24, 2007, 12:51 AM »
Achieve Planner, full suite version, on sale week of Aug 27, with Monday offering best deal with bonuses.  I like this time and life manager -- reviewed it at my blog a couple months ago at:

For sale details, go to:

I've been using SoftCAT free for years.  I even enter information about programs of interest that I do not install, just to keep track of them.  I even cut-and-paste from reviews at download sites.  I really like it.


The Zone Alarm Anti-Virus program has within the past couple of months decided that this is a dangerous program, alerting me to delete the program after every scan.  I've always refused to do so.  Somehow Zone Alarm seemed to act on its own:  the program's exe file has simply disappeared, leaving behind everything else [including the data, thankfully] in the SoftCAT folder.

Has anyone else experienced this problem?  I'm probably going to reinstall the program, perhaps even update to the PRO version, after reading this thread.

Word Processor Roundup / Re: Writing Software
« Last post by TomColvin on August 09, 2007, 10:09 PM »
I've uncovered a couple of other major, comprehensive reviews of Office Suite alternatives and have just posted my own elaborations on my Becomine A Writer blog [link below].  Some of you may also be interested in the ONLINE WRITER'S OFFICE I've just set up, available for anyone to use.  It includes a gateway to Zoho Writer, some additional writer's tools, a bunch of blogs, columns and podcasts for writers, along with a summary of my blog's 10 most recent posts.  This mashup was developed through a PageCast, a new facility from PageFlakes  Just click on the link on my blog's sidebar.

General Software Discussion / Re: Top 3 programs you use
« Last post by TomColvin on August 09, 2007, 06:13 PM »
Difficult to narrow the list down, BUT...

Aside from Firefox and its open tabs [gmail, yahoo mail, word press, google reader -- all geared to my blog], I use as a writer:

1 -- EssentialPIM Pro 2.0
2 -- KeyNote [gathering/organizing information for future articles/books]
3 -- Word 2003 [with Chapter by Chapter add-in]
General Software Discussion / Re: The state of speech recognition
« Last post by TomColvin on August 02, 2007, 06:50 PM »
There's also the other side of the coin:  Text-to-Speech.  As my eyesight gently fades away over the years, I'm finding this facility increasingly important.  In this arena, I use TextAloud, with a variety of "voices" on call.  It's amazing how much progress the readings have made -- they are no longer so irritating to listen to.

As it happens, I just last night fired up the Opera "Voice" facility, which impressed me at first hearing.

I'll be following this thread with considerable interest.

Armando, glad that you stumbled upon my AP review.  As you can tell, I rate the program highly.

Reading through your posts here indicates that you are getting even more deeply into the program than I have.  I use it mainly for planning overview, rather than on a day-to-day action basis.  I hope that you will indeed do a full review of AP -- it should be most interesting.  Just wish you could include screenshots, which I think are essential especially in this program in order to fully appreciate it.

For day-to-day task management, I use EssentialPIM Pro.  It has just come out with version 2.0, which has some major enhancements that make it much more useful as a Getting Things Done environment.  In fact, I've completely revised how I use EssentialPIM to take advantage of these enhancements.  There's a flaw in the current version, however -- but the developer assures me that this will be addressed in either version 2.1 or 2.2, both scheduled for completion within the year.  I expect to write another extensive review of this program within coming weeks [already have a very full review of version 1.92 on my blog].

All that said, I'm still looking for a fairy godmother who will wake me up each morning with a gentle pat on the head and instructions about just what I need to do during the day.

General Software Discussion / Re: Good Web 2.0 Forum?
« Last post by TomColvin on July 19, 2007, 03:47 PM »
Just discovered this Pagecast which lists a bunch of Web 2.0-oriented blogs.

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